
Do Something
他们热爱儿童!儿童有趣、富有创造力和活力,而且……有时候很奇怪……Do Something关注儿童的创造力和无限能量。
Tags: Do Something, DoSomething.Org, Teens, Campaign, Youth
Tags: UNICEF, World, Children, Global
Do Good Experience
The Do Good Experience is a nationwide movement that inspires a new generation in the present, so that they may continue to impact the future. It’s the idea of not just hearing but doing. Through stories of renewal the Do Good Experience aims to distribute resources that educate and motivate youth to serve their communities daily.
Tags: Do Good Experience, Youth
Global Changemakers
Global Changemakers was founded in 2007 when six young activists, brought together by the British Council, were invited to lend the ‘voice of youth’ to the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. Since then, the network has grown to a community of over 730 Changemakers in 121 countries world-wide. The mission of the programme is to empower youth to catalyse positive social change. It has expanded since its inception, and is now built on three pillars: Learning, Doing and Advocacy.
Tags: Global Changemakers, Social Change, Advocacy
Project Night Night
Project Night Night donates over 25,000 Night Night Packages each year, free of charge, to homeless children who need our childhood essentials to feel secure, cozy, ready to learn, and significant.  Each Night Night Package contains a new security blanket, an age-appropriate children's book, and a stuffed animal -- all nestled inside of a new canvas tote bag. By providing objects of reliable comfort, Project Night Night reduces trauma and advances the emotional and cognitive well-being of the children we serve. 
Tags: Homeless, Children, Books, Comfort, Shelters
Flying Kites
Flying Kites was started when a little boy living in an overcrowded orphanage in the slums of Nairobi challenged a small group of volunteers to see him as a child, and not as an orphan. Orphans need bowls of rice. Children need families, people to invest in the quality of their education and the possibility of their dreams. They need nourishment and inspiration and adventure and security; they need to be shown that the world cares about who they are and who they will become. 
At Flying Kites, we believe in children. And so, in the Aberdares Mountains of Kenya, we have built a Home and Leadership Academy for orphaned children who would otherwise have nowhere to turn. Through our emphasis on exemplary care, education, and compassion, children who have suffered the devastating effects of poverty are being empowered to change our world.
Tags: Flying Kites, Orphans, Kenya, Africa, Slums
Apathy is Boring
Apathy is Boring是一个覆盖全美的项目。他们希望利用艺术和科技来教育青少年关于民主的话题。
Tags: Election, Voting, Youth, Democracy, Apathy Is Boring
Tags: LGBT, Sexual Diversity, Social Network, AlterHeros, Alter, Heros
Healthy Child Healthy World
Healthy Child Healthy World 引发了让父母保护儿童免受有害化学物质侵袭的运动。越来越多的证据将日常环境污染物与哮喘、学习障碍、肥胖、癌症等联系到一起,Healthy Child诠释了科学,并鼓舞家长和看护者为家庭可以蓬勃发展去创造健康的环境。
Tags: Healthy Child Healthy World, Children, Chemicals
如果你正在寻找有关儿童和青少年的可信的信息,你来对地方了,这有免费的“医生说”。Kids Health 是访问量最大,有关青少年从出生前到十几岁的健康、行为和发展信息的网站。
Tags: Wellness, KidsHealth, Medical, Development
Girls Who Code
Girls Who Code是一个新组织,它旨在教育、启发和培训13至17岁的女孩,让她们有能力和资源去追求科技和工程类领域的机会。 和领先的教育家、工程师和创业家一起,Girls Who Code开发出一个新的计算机学科的教育模式,将高强度的机器人技术指导、网站设计、移动开发和高技术个性化的导师制结合起来,这些导师都是工业界顶尖的女性开发者和创业家。
Tags: Technology, Engineering, Teens, Girls Who Code, Mentor, Web Design, Computer, Science
826 National
826 National is a nonprofit organization that provides strategic leadership, administration, and other resources to ensure the success of its network of eight writing and tutoring centers. 826 centers offer a variety of inventive programs that provide under-resourced students, ages 6-18, with opportunities to explore their creativity and improve their writing skills. We also aim to help teachers get their classes excited about writing. Our mission is based on the understanding that great leaps in learning can happen with one-on-one attention, and that strong writing skills are fundamental to future success.
Tags: 826 National, Children, Youth, Education, Classes, Writing, Learning, Teaching, Tutoring, School, Workshop
The Imagine Project
The Imagine Project, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation, was founded on the principle that there exists within each child a creative energy which must not lie dormant. Eventually, as with all sources of power, it must either extinguish itself, excel or explode.
Tags: Creativity, The Imagine Project
Women's and Children's Health Network (WCHN)
The Women's and Children's Health Network (WCHN)促进南澳大利亚的健康、福祉和儿童、青少年和家庭发展,它提供的服务有:支持父母的养育,婴儿、儿童和年轻人的卫生服务,支持家庭和孩子的其他需要,为父母、孩子和青少年提供最新的健康信息。在WCHN,我们致力于提供基于最新研究和最佳实践的健康和育儿信息。
Tags: Children Youth And Women's Health Service, Women's And Children's Health Network (WCHN), Australia
Child Youth and Family
Each year we make a positive difference to thousands of lives. We work with children, young people and their families everyday to help them find their own solutions, be strong and have hopes for the future.
Tags: Child Youth And Family, Future
Children and Youth First
Tags: Children And Youth First, Kathmandu, Volunteers
Box Play
We make eco-friendly, 100% recycled, custom-designed stickers that (combined with a little imagination) turn any old box into a wonderland of possibilities. Good for the imagination. Good for the earth. Good for the pocketbook.
Tags: Kids, Eco-Friendly, Recycled, Toy, Sticker, Creative, BoxPlay
Smile Squared
在访问中美洲的人道主义之旅中,Smile Squared的创始人看见了多少牙齿健康影响了一个孩子的一生。全球各地的孩子们缺少必要的口腔卫生去维护质量健康和自信。Smile Squared的诞生就是希望能给每一个孩子拥有干净、健康的牙齿的机会。我们的“买一送一“理念确保您的购买行为能够直接影响世界。无论何时,只要你买一支Smile Squared的牙刷,我们便会寄一支给需要的孩子。在一起,我们可以用小步走出大变化。
Tags: Smile Squared, Dental Care, Toothbrush, Latin America
Tags: ECO-UNESCO, Education, Awareness, Ireland, Environment
TED-Ed’s commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. Within the growing TED-Ed video library, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed platform. This platform also allows users to take any useful educational video, not just TED's, and easily create a customized lesson around the video. Users can distribute the lessons, publicly or privately, and track their impact on the world, a class, or an individual student.
Tags: TED-Ed, Lessons, Videos, Education, Teach, Learn, Animation
Tags: Babble, Babies, Children, Families, Parents
Brooklyn Robot Foundry
We are two friends that joined forces to inspire and motivate kids by teaching them about the fun of building. We love the idea of learning and coming together through making things. We believe in the DIT—do it together— mentality and the importance of building a community around this common goal.
Tags: Brooklyn Robot Foundry, Robots, Mechanics, Kids, Create, Invent, Design, Build, Jenny Young, Dave VanEsselstyn
KIPP, the Knowledge Is Power Program, is a national network of free, open-enrollment, college-preparatory public schools with a track record of preparing students in underserved communities for success in college and in life. There are currently 109 KIPP schools in 20 states and the District of Columbia serving more than 33,000 students.
Tags: KIPP, School, Education, Learning, Students, Achievement
HELP (Hope, Educate, Love and Protect)
We believe it is every child’s birthright to receive hope for a better future, education to grow, unconditional love, and protection from disease and illness.  We address Malawi’s teacher shortage by pairing government teachers with local assistant teachers and international volunteer teachers. With a strong emphasis on sustainable development, we strive to transform primary (elementary) schools into epicenters of social and economic development. Our partnership with the socially-conscious tourism agency Wilderness Safaris helps us to bring our vision of rural development to the most remote regions in Africa.
Tags: Help, Malawi, Africa, Hope, Educate, Love And Protect, Teacher
Project 10
Projest 10致力于推动全社会理解和善待男女同性恋、双性恋、变性人、两性人、有变性倾向的14~25岁青年人
Tags: Project 10, Advocacy, LGBT, Youth
Lucy & Mei
Our mission is to be the best online source for high quality organic children's clothing. Our fabrics are incredibly soft, made from sustainable fabrics such as, organic cotton, bamboo, and soy.  Many of our products are manufactured specifically for children who have sensitivities to seams, tags, and tight fitting clothing.  
Most of our products are GOTS Certified Organic Cotton and therefore, are produced without harmful pesticides from field to finishing. We are committed to working with companies that engage in socially responsible labor practices, and leave a light footprint on the planet. 
Tags: Fashion, Clothes, Lucy & Mei, Fabrics
Tags: Clothing, Children, Fashion, Style, Donation, Charity, Cotton, California, Ever/after, Ever, After
SOS Children's Villages South Africa
We build families for children in need, we help them shape their own futures and we share in the development of their communities.
Tags: SOS Children's Villages, South Africa, Children, Youth, Family, Development, SOS
Youth Challenge International (YCI)
Youth Challenge International 是一个领先的全球青年发展组织,我们促进青年人的创新性以此推动积极的改变。YCI 鼓励青年人针对他们创造方法以解决面临的挑战,将青年人的发展、义工精神、合作关系和平等原则充分融入我们的所作所为。YCI的志愿项目目前位于坦桑尼亚、加纳、圭亚那、哥斯达黎加和危地马拉。
Tags: Youth Challenge Inernational, YCI, Volunteer
Story Pirates
Story Pirates is a nationally respected education and media organization founded in 2003 to celebrate the words and ideas of young people. By pairing world-class teachers with first-rate actors and comedians, we offer a variety of tools to make learning more engaging and effective. Dually based in New York and Los Angeles, we are best known for the Idea Storm Program, a master-class writing workshop that brings teaching concepts to life, followed by a musical sketch comedy show featuring stories by students and performed by professional artists.
Tags: Story Pirates, Education, Stories, Actors, Comedians, Play, Writing, Ideas
DIY is an online community for kids. We give kids tools to collect everything they make as they grow up and a place to share it.
Tags: DIY, Children, Kids, Creativity, Online, Community, Family, Art, Design, Vimeo, Digital, App, IPhone
LaLa Lunchbox
LaLa Lunchbox让家长和小孩设计和打包中餐变得有趣和简单。它帮助你的小孩更加聪明的选择食物,并且教会他们如何计划。小孩主动参与到午餐的设计当中,并且富有个人特色,午餐不在单调,而是各种有趣的形状和颜色,不仅仅是将蔬菜、水果、蛋白质和零食简单的丢进午餐盒里。通过这样的方式,他们学会简单地搭配食物。家人也更加容易地帮助小孩选择适合他们的食物。
Tags: Food, Lunch, Parents, Kids, Nourishment, Health, IPhone, App, Gilian Fein
Design for Change
DESIGN FOR CHANGE is the largest global movement designed to give children an opportunity to express their own ideas for a better world and put them into action.
Children and adults learn through the Design for Change Challenge that “I Can” are the two most powerful words a person can believe. Children who have discovered this are changing their world. 
Tags: India, School, Education, Global, Kids, Children, Positive Change, Good Deeds Day, Kiran Bir Sethi
Teach Twice
Teach Twice is a social venture that educates children and their communities through stories and the exchange of culture. In the Teach Twice model a single book—written by authors from a developing country—provides parents in the global marketplace stories to read to their children, and gives financial support to schools and students in the country from which the book came. Each book will contain an illustrated children’s story featuring a specific country. Authors and their communities will be empowered through expression and the profits from their work, while readers will learn about different cultures. One Teach Twice book enhances the education of two children and two communities that are worlds apart, yet connected through a shared commitment to education, and a desire to learn from books and from each other.
Tags: Teach Twice, Books, Literature, Cultural Exchange, Developing Countries, Story, Schools
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run是一个针对波特兰区域3-5年纪的女孩项目,旨在改变生活、发展个性。我们采用体育锻炼、积极增长和鼓励偶像的方法为女孩们提供信心,这对她们顺利踏入青少年必不可少。每一节90分钟都课都结合了跑步和走路的游戏,附带针对各式各样生活技能的讨论,包括健康饮食、领导力、设定目标和团结合作。
Tags: Girls On The Run, Portland, Self-Esteem, Role Models, Leadership, Oregon
Global Kids Inc.
Global Kids, Inc. is the premier non-profit educational organization for global learning and youth development - works to ensure that urban youth have the knowledge, skills, experiences and values they need to succeed in school, participate effectively in the democratic process, and achieve leadership in their communities and on the global stage.
Tags: Youth Development, Urban, Technology, Leadership
Room to Read
我们期待世界是能满足所有孩子准求高质量教育的预期,并能有机会回报社会与国家。 为了实现这一目标,我们主要聚焦在两个有可能产生巨大效益的领域:读写能力和教育中的性别平等。我们与亚非地区政府和社区合作,用以推动当地读写能力发展,并培养小学的阅读习惯,以及支持女孩完成基础教育,在其中收获的知识和 能力对她在学期间及未来发展都非常重要
Tags: Room To Read, Literacy, Gender Equality, Reading
Tags: Jumpstart, Early Education, College, Students, Preschool, Literacy, Skills
Sound Seekers
Sound Seekers 是一个注册慈善机构,致力于帮助发展中国家的最贫穷地区聋人/听障儿童。我们通过支持项目,提前了解他们的需求和使他们获得更好的卫生服务、教育和社会支持,采取措施使孩子避免或克服耳聋、耳病的影响。
Tags: Sound Seekers, Deaf, Hearing Impaired, Ear Disease
The Pencil Promise
The Pencil Promise is based on a simple premise: for every backpack you buy, we deliver a backpack- filled with school supplies- to a child in need around the world.
Tags: The Pencil Promise, Education, Children, Classroom, School, School Supplies, Pen, Paper, Backpack
Tailored for Education
Founded in 2011, Tailored for Education strives to increase school enrollment in developing countries by providing children with school uniforms. For millions of children around the globe, education represents the only way out of a life of entrenched poverty.
Tags: Tailored For Education, School, Uniforms, Education, Children, Attire, Megan Kelly, Jessica Roy
Cambodian Child’s Dream Organization (CCDO)
Cambodian Child’s Dream Organization (CCDO) is a non-profit and non-political charity organization, officially licensed by Ministry of Interior of Cambodia on 10th Oct 2008 (License No.1269). CCDO hopes to improve health, life expectancy, living conditions and education of the community by providing: clean water wells, toilets, libraries, classrooms, kindergarten, school stationery and sponsoring poor children to go to school.
Tags: The Cambodian Child's Dream Organization, Children, School, Education, Water, Cambodia, Jenny Lipa, Teaching, Library
One Laptop Per Child
A non-profit devoted to providing children everywhere with opportunities to explore, experiment, and communicate. OLPC has designed a laptop, educational software, manufacturing base, and distribution system to provide children outside of the first-world with world-class technological learning opportunities
Tags: Laptop, International, Educational, Technology
School Girls Unite
2004年,当一群12岁的小女孩和年轻非洲女子在讨论不同发展中国家女性受到的歧视后,School Girls Unite 在这个小咖啡馆开始了。我们的目标是同歧视行为作战,并且推动对女孩的教育。我们任务教育是解决几乎所有其他问题的起点,这些问题包括减少疾病、终止贫困并最终提高女性在全球领导者的数目。 School Girls Unite 由在美国和非洲马里的分会组成。我们在马里的非比寻常的姐妹组织名叫Les Filles Unies pour l’Education。我们在马里开展一个奖学金项目,还为美国的青年提供领导力的体会。
Tags: School Girls Unite, Girls, Women Empowerment, Africa, Education, Mali
Hall Pass Tour
The Hall Pass Tour is a series of high energy, after-school music concerts for grades K-12 designed to help kids from underserved schools and communities get excited about leveraging higher learning to achieve their dreams.
Tags: Hall Pass Tour, College For Every Student, Higher Education, Dream, Advance, Music, Performance, University
Founded in 2010, SittingAround makes it easy to create, manage, and grow a babysitting cooperative. Babysitting coops already save thousands of families a great deal of time and money each year. Our goal is to make coops so easy and so well known that every parent joins one. We automate many of the tasks required to effectively manage a coop so our users can focus on what's really important - building and enjoying childcare communities.
Tags: SittingAround, Babysitting, Online, Cooperative, Coop, Parents, Children, Kids, Family, Collaborative Consumption, Barter, Exchange, Sitting Around
AFAR Foundation
Founded in 2008 as the philanthropic affiliate of AFAR Media, the AFAR Foundation provides experiential travel to youth through its flagship program, Learning AFAR. Born from the idea that travel is the best form of education, Learning AFAR grants international travel scholarships to students who would not otherwise be able to explore our world.
Tags: AFAR, AFAR Foundation, Travel, Explore, Youth, Learning AFAR, Education