
Doing Good
Doing Good is dedicated to empowering the underserved to help others and contribute to a world-changing cycle of good. Through monetary support, feature stories, volunteer opportunities, and much more, we are taking back our world by doing good and making a difference in others’ lives.
In addition to connecting people and organizations, Doing Good™ expands the scope of The Stafford Foundation by encouraging everyone to get out and make a difference. 
Tags: Doing Good, Underserved, The Stafford Foundation
Philanthroper 每天会讲一个美国非营利机构的故事。如果你喜欢这个故事,你可以捐款1~10美金来支持背后的机构。Philanthroper希望人们能把日行一善真正变成一种习惯。
Tags: Philanthroper, Nonprofit
True Colors Fund
The True Colors Fund使男女同性恋、双性恋、变性人(GLBT)和联合社区能够成为志愿者并支持组织代表他们工作。
Tags: Cyndi Lauper, Gay, LGBT, Volunteer
Rainbow World Fun
Rainbow World Fund 是一个建立在男女同性恋、双性恋、变性人(LGBT)和友人社区的国际人道主义援助慈善机构。
Tags: LGBT, Rainbow World Fund, Gay, Community
Small Change Fund
Small Change Fund empowers you to make big change with small change. We provide a place for you to discover, share, connect with, and support amazing grassroots projects in communities across the country – projects that need just a small amount of money to make a real and significant impact in the world.
Tags: Small Change Fund
The Global Fund
The Global Fund 成立的目的是为了帮助第三世界中受到艾滋病、结核和疟疾等问题困扰的地区有能力去对抗,并且把帮助带给更需要的地方。
Tags: The Global Fund, Philanthropy, Disease
Funders for LGBTQ Issues
与基金会、我们的运动组织共事三十多年,Funders for LGBTQ Issues始终是唯一专门为LGBTQ群体争取增加机构赠与的组织。
Tags: LGBTQ, Gay, Funders
International Development Exchange
IDEX 是旧金山一家非盈利组织,它帮助非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲的当地人民更加有效、可持续行的利用长期资助解决贫困问题,并为当地组织运营提供资源支持。
Tags: IDEX, Poverty, Grants, Funds
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
The Chronicle of Philanthropy 拥有着世界上最多的新闻来源,为从事慈善企业的非盈利机构领导者、资金筹措、补助厂商以及其他人提供纸质或在线的新闻资源。在过去的20多年内,The Chronicle 通过新闻、职位和想法与非盈利领域保持着友好的互动。
Tags: Philanthropy, Chronicle
Impatient Optimists
Impatient Optimists是一个博客平台,从中你可以看到每日有关缩减贫穷、推动健康的各类行动极少,帮助全美大学生意识到及的潜在关注点。和其他博客一样,阅读者可以对每篇文章进行评论,其特色是获得了比尔盖茨和米兰带基金会的捐赠,并成为他们的合作伙伴。
Tags: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Blog
Acumen Fund
Acumen Fund 通过投资社会企业、新兴领袖和创新思想,打破贫困,创造新的世界。它利用慈善资金以贷款或权益进行投资,获得经济和社会回报。任何经济回报将再一次进行投资循环。他们始终相信富有开拓精神的企业家将会完全解决贫困问题。Acumen Fund 关注水、健康、住宅和能源领域,为那些每日收入不足四美元的家庭提供便利。
Tags: Acumen Fund, Investments, Poverty, Social Enterprises, Entrepreneurs, Solutions, Critical Services, Affordable
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation相信每个人的生活都有同等的价值。它遵循15个指导原则,帮助我们确定慈善工作所面临的问题,雇佣优秀的团队来解决我们的战略和资质。
Tags: Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation, Philanthropy
The Awesome Foundation
The Awesome Foundation是一个成长性、全球性的网络,致力于发掘一些有意思的事情。2009年,在波士顿,经历了一个很长的夏天的努力, the Foundation 每月分发给项目和创造者1000美元。这些钱从10位委托人筹集而来,在前期以支票、现金或者黄金物品来实现。这些都是自治的,根据地理位置由委托人或者感兴趣的话题来决定。 The Foundation与它所资助的项目没有任何直接联系,也不宣称其有拥有权。也就是说,用其中一个委托人的话来讲,对创意的支持是无价的。
Tags: The Awesome Foundation, Projects, Chapters, Awesomeness, Grants
The Prem Rawat Foundation
The Prem Rawat Foundation 为争取人类基本需要而奋斗,任何人都应该活在尊容、平等和繁荣之下。
Tags: The Prem Rawat Foundation, Philanthropy
作为慈善界的领袖,Google.org 通过发展技术帮助全球性问题,为创新伙伴提供补助、投资和各种资源支持。Google.org关注那些可以利用Google的资产和核心竞争力发挥巨大作用以及需要衡量最重要潜能的问题。
Tags: Google.org, Philanthropy, Grants, Investments, Technology
Philanthropy Fashion and Compassion
创办于2007年,Philanthropy 希望这个基于基督教和慈善的商业模式可以创造新的不同。
Tags: Philanthropy Fashion And Compasion, Philanthropy
EVPA 由在欧洲对公益创投感兴趣或参与的组织或机构联合而成。成立于2004年,这个协会有着独特的成员构成,并且在欧洲有着很高的参与度。
Tags: EVPA, Philanthropy, Venture Philanthropy
Philanthropy UK
Philanthropy UK对于那些有抱负的慈善家想提高效率,是获得免费并且公正建议的最主要的渠道。它们挖掘和分享现有信息和最好的实践经验,提供行业专家的联系途径,致力于鼓励更多人成为慈善家,同时享受那些美妙的回报。Philanthropy UK是The Association of Charitable Foundations的项目之一。
Tags: Philanthropy UK, Philanthropy
Philanthropy Action
Philanthropy Action致力于资金引入更加周全和效率的部门。我们希望资金能够去到最需要的地方,做到优化资金配置。简而言之,Philanthropy Action希望自己更像一个交易市场。在所有情况下,市场会有下降或者不适合或者可行的地方。当出现问题时,他们希望找到一个基于现在知识、有效的解决方法。
Tags: Philanthropy Action
Global Philanthropy Forum
作为the World Affairs Council of Northern California的一个项目,the Global Philanthropy Forum 致力于为捐赠者和社会投资者打造一个国际性的社区,使之之间的信息相通,提高他们工作的战略性。
Tags: Global Philanthropy Forum, Philanthropy, Donors
Philanthropy Journal
The Philanthropy Journal 为非盈利企业和他们的支持者发出独立的声音。
Tags: Philanthropy Journal, Philanthropy
Skoll Foundation
著名的Skoll Foundation在全球范围内宣传并且支持社会企业家精神。是社会企业界别的必看站点哦!
Tags: Skoll Foundation, Research
Hard Rock Philanthropy
Since 1971, Hard Rock has been committed to a wide range of philanthropic causes and activities around the World. Our passionate and dedicated team members in our Local Ambassador Program help our communities on a daily basis. As Hard Rockers, our actions are guided by mottos, which can be seen on the walls of every Hard Rock Cafe, Hotel and Casino location, and help us in our goal to make the Earth a safer, healthier and better place for all.
Tags: Hard Rock Philanthropy, Philanthropy, Hard Rockers, Hard Rock Cafe
The Case Foundation
Our purpose is to expand giving, promote everyday philanthropy, deepen civic engagement, and broaden the use of new technologies to make giving more informed, efficient, and effective. We seek to do this while emphasizing the value of collaboration across all sectors, individual and organizational leadership, and entrepreneurship.
Tags: The Case Foundation, Philanthropy, Civic Engagement, Collaboration, Steve Case
Give Something Back
Give Something Back志在帮助您购买办公用品时能享受到更多的乐趣、更具个性,同时节省资金。由于这家公司独特的分配方式,那些与他们抱有相同愿景(促进本土社区发展,改善环境)并为之奋斗的非营利组织能够获得大量的利润
Tags: Give Something Back, Office Supplies
1440 Foundation
1440 Foundation 投资能实现教育、健康和工作上自我意识和真正关系的技巧的计划和项目。通过这样的方式,1440 Foundation 希望改善这个世界的状态:一次一个人,一种关系,一个联系,一分钟。
Tags: 1440, Foundation, Self Awareness, Relationship, Skills, Wellness, Authenticity
Raise5 is a service marketplace with a social purpose. Our marketplace allows service providers to offer their talents in order to raise money for their favorite charities. Buyers on the other hand can get great valuable services knowing that their money is going towards a good cause. Anyone can join Raise5 and buy one the many great services or provide a new service. Well over 90% of the revenues generated from our marketplace goes to charity.
Tags: Raise5, Crowdfunding, Marketplace, Charity, Cause, Philanthropy, Services