
Give Well
GiveWell is an independent, nonprofit charity evaluator. We find outstanding giving opportunities and publish the full details of our analysis to help donors decide where to give.
Tags: Give Well, Nonprofit, Evaluator
Urban Life International
Urban Life International是家独立的研究培训机构,旨在帮助人们对城市挑战有更深入的理解和更快的响应。城市挑战被定义为一种从关注钢筋水泥到关注健康和充满希望的社区的转变。城市中生活的人们被困于分离与融合、多样化与差异性、 密集化交流与隐私间,生活的质量则取决于他们如何面对这些挑战。
Tags: Cities, Urban, Communities, Urban Life International, Research
City Form Lab
City Form Lab是 新加坡技术与设计大学与麻省理工建筑与规划学院的合作项目,关注城市形态的研究。开发了研究城市形态的软件工具,使用尖端的空间分析与统计技术去研究城市架构的物理模型是如何影响城市的社会、环境与经济的发展。同时,推出了应对当代城市挑战的创新设计与策略方案。结合多维度城市研究经验与出色的设计力,对21世纪城市形态如何响应居民生活质量分享见解。
Tags: City Form Lab, Architecture, Urban, Software, Research
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC)
ICIC是一家由哈佛商学院教授Mochael Poter在1994年创立的、从事有关美国旧城区经济和商业发展的研究和战略规划权威非盈利机构。致力通过提供来自商业、政府和投资机构方面关于城市发展的可执行信息,以加强老城区发展。
Tags: Inner City, Economy, Businesses, Research, Strategy
Foldit is an online series of puzzles that enables players to contribute to scientific research. The puzzles represent various challenges faced by scientists in their quest to solve the mysteries behind protein structure and and design.
Tags: Foldit, Puzzles, Science, Games, Research, Protein, Scientific
Tags: Conference, Conferences, Ted, Tedx, Lectures, Speakers, Convention, Knowledge, Great Minds, Talks, Science, Ideas, Ideas Worth Spreading
Tags: Wiki, Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, Free Encyclopedia, Research
Docracy is a social repository of contracts, legal agreements and other legal documents. Our mission is to make these documents freely available to the public. We also hope to make them easier to find, customize and execute. No more shady templates behind a paywall that you download hoping everything will be alright. Instead: reputable, transparent sources and social proof to help you find something as close as possible to the perfect document.
Tags: Legal, Documents, Docracy, Contracts, Agreements, Transparent
The Solar Foundation
The Solar Foundation (太阳能基金会)是一个独立的国家性质的501(c)(3)非营利机构,机构通过研究跟宣传教育展示全球太阳能的好处。机构成立于1977年,总部设在华盛顿,希望通过我们的公众教育和宣传工作,以及高层次的数据收集进行创新性的研究,来扩大太阳能应用和转化的市场。
Tags: The Solar Foundation, Energy, Research, Solar Energy, Outreach
The Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR)
The Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR)是一个全国性的非盈利组织,总部在华盛顿。它现在已被认为是在性别差异研究领域的领先者。它一直致力于以倡导、教育和研究的手段提高女性的健康。
Tags: The Society For Women’s Health Research, SWHR
23andMe 的成立是为了赋予个人权利和开发加速研究的新方法。23 andme的成员走到一起是因为我们相信将潜在的遗传学和互联网相结合有重大且积极的影响。
Tags: Genetic Testing, DNA, 23andMe, Genes, Technology, Internet
The Official NASA App for Android
Tags: Nasa, Innovation, Research, The Official NASA App For Android
Pop Tech
Tags: Pop Tech, Research
Skoll Foundation
著名的Skoll Foundation在全球范围内宣传并且支持社会企业家精神。是社会企业界别的必看站点哦!
Tags: Skoll Foundation, Research
Tags: Listorious, Twitter
Tags: Productivity, Diigo, Research, Knowledge-sharing
Building a Smarter Planet
Building a smarter planet是IBM赞助的博客,旨在为读者提供一个可以谈谈文章中提出的问题的地方。我们希望你能很乐意去分享一些在这个博客上看到、读到和听到的东西给你的朋友、家人和同事。此博客不提供事件的解决方法,但我们希望它可以成为如何才能使地球变得更加美好的起点。
Tags: Building A Smarter Planet, Research
The Energy Collective
Energy Collective的人们各自背景不同,他们有的是科学家、社会行动家、政策制定者、管理人员、企业家,但是他们一起做同一件事情——研究并致力于解决世界能源问题。
Tags: The Energy Collective, Professionals, Policy
B Lab
Certified B Corporations are a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.
Tags: B Corporation, Research, Corp, B, B Lab
Global Footprint Network
Global Footprint Network is an international think tank working to advance sustainability through use of the Ecological Footprint, a resource accounting tool that measures how much nature we have, how much we use and who uses what.
By making ecological limits central to decision-making, we are working to end overshoot and create a society where all people can live well, within the means of one planet.
Tags: Environment, Natural Resources, Ecological Footprint, Sustainability, Global Footprint Network, Nature
Columbia Water Center
Tags: Columbia University, Water, Policy, Water Management