
Care2 为所有想创造美好未来的人们提供有用的行动工具。作为一个注册为B Crop的企业,他们希望用商业的力量为这个世界创造更多价值。
Tags: Petition, Petitions, Care2, Community, Doing Good, Healthy Living
One Change
One Change是一家独特额非盈利、无党派草根机构,致力于关注例如大气环境等、影响每个个体发展的全球环境问题,鼓励人们采用小而精巧的方式去保护环境。其发展目标是希望通过在基层社区进行创造性的社区市场集会,将有关工具和信息传递给社区民主,促进有关环境保护的念头可以转化成能付诸实践的行动。
Tags: Environment, Community, Simple Actions, One Change
ioby带动针对社区的生活环境项目。Ioby连接实地项目的人与钱,所有项目由社区邻居构思、设计,这样可以确保社区项目得到更多支持以及更大程度地被执行。 成功的项目将被放大,将影响扩散到其他社区乃至整个城市。成为Ioby项目中的一员,参与其中,你将可以看到整个项目如何被推动,如何被执行,最终结果是怎么样的。
Tags: New York, Local, Community, Environment, Neighbors, Neighborhoods, Green, Change
Better Cities Now
Better Cities为那些正在规划这个城市的人提供新闻和新概念。他们的核心观点是——我们到底可以怎么让城市把生活变得更美好?政府可以怎么运营城市?我们该怎么减少自己的负面影响?城市本身不是什么坏东西,重点是,它的确可以变得更好。我们一起努力吧!
Tags: Better Cities Now, Better, Cities, Government, Local Communities
New Urbanism
NEW URBANISM推进多样的,可行走的,紧密的,多用途的社区的创建与复原,这些社区和常规发展的社区基本要素一致,但采取了一种更集成化的样式,实现了一个完整的社区模式。
Tags: New Urbanism, Communities
Urban Life International
Urban Life International是家独立的研究培训机构,旨在帮助人们对城市挑战有更深入的理解和更快的响应。城市挑战被定义为一种从关注钢筋水泥到关注健康和充满希望的社区的转变。城市中生活的人们被困于分离与融合、多样化与差异性、 密集化交流与隐私间,生活的质量则取决于他们如何面对这些挑战。
Tags: Cities, Urban, Communities, Urban Life International, Research
Sustainable Cities International
Sustainable Cities International是一家成立于1993年、坐落于加拿大温哥华的非营利机构。其愿景是联合全球各地区,共同推动城市可持续发展,是一家既富有想象力又荣誉实践的机构!
Tags: Sustainable Cities, Vancouver, Canada, Urban, Cities
Tags: Urban, Walkable, Neighborhood, Development
Walk Your City
Tags: Walk, Walking, Kickstarter, Cities, Raleigh, Matt Tomasulo, Public Space, Streets, Directions
Truck Farm
Truck Farm是一个移动园艺教育项目,它的创始人Ian Cheney还有其他的项目包括King Corn, The Greening of Southie, 和The City Dark.。
Tags: Ian Cheney, Cities, New Urbanism, New York, Local Food, Food, Vegetables, Public Spaces
Tags: Carpool, Ridesharing, Carbon Footprint, Car, Ridejoy
Tags: Carrotmob, Consumers, Businesses, Green, Campaigns, Global, Reward, Boycott
City CarShare
City CarShare 2001年成立,是Bay Area的非盈利组织,目标是让社区更适宜居住。Carsharing 意味着路上更少的车辆,更低的拥堵和更少的污染,同时节省很多开支。在City CarShare,有最佳的评级,最绿色的轨迹和最安全的保险,覆盖所有的Carsharing组织。City CarShare不只是个选项,更是一项运动。
Tags: City CarShare, Carshare, Cars, Vehicles, Green, Drive, City, Urban
Scoot Networks
Scoots是一个踏板车网络。Scoot是可以在城市中骑行的由智能手机驱动的马达踏板车。在Scoot Networks网络上将教导您如何骑行踏板车。同时,它努力找到地方存放更多的踏板车,让网络更加壮大。
Tags: Scoot Networks, Scoot, Motorscooters, Transportation, Smartphone, San Francisco, Electric, Scooters, Shared, Collaborative Consumption, Cities, Urban
Liquid能让你在线上找到最好的自行车租赁,不论是从个人手中还是从经营着的自行车出租店铺。只需输入你想要在哪儿骑行,Liquid 就将为你提供该地区最好的自行车租赁选择。Liquid 连接起全球最棒的人和最好的自行车。如果愿意分享你的自行车信息,只需要照些照片,将你的最棒的座驾与和他人分享。不论对于租赁者还是租用者,Liquid 帮助用户见面、交换自行车并享受完美体验。
Tags: Liquid, Collaborative Consumption, Bicycle, Rent, Bike, Cruise, Marketplace, Ride
Tags: Local, Neighborhoods, Communities, Online, Social, Meetups, Krrb, Reuse, Second Hand
Tiny Farm Blog
Tiny Farm Blog:一本照片日记------有机微农业,只需要两英里地和一些工具
Tags: Blog, Blogging, Photos, Photojournal, Micro-farming
Tags: Organic, Research, Technology, Farm
Energy Savers
Energy Savers (节能者)为房主提供家居以及生活中的节省金钱和精力的点子。通过Energy Savers 网站的指南上的一些简单提示,你可以让你的家更舒适,更好应对加热和制冷的问题,从而让你省钱。我们为您带来节能、高效的技术的最新信息。也提供运用干净可再生能源的点子。
Tags: Energy Savers, Energy, Renewable, Homes
Ethical Electric
Ethical Electric是能源业务的善者。是美国第一家负社会责任的能源供应公司。我们改变了消费者的消费习惯,让他们更多地选择可再生能源,包括来自风能和太阳能100%的清洁能源。通过分享太阳能农场或风力农场,为你的家节省能源。
Tags: Ethical Electric, Energy, Green, Clean, Environment, Renewable Energy
Ebay Green Team
eBay,已经成长为拥有超过25个国家的、超过2500名员工的公司,eBay Green Team支持当地社区的环保事业和可持续业务的实践。
Tags: Ebay Green Team, Environment
GBO Hawai’i
GBO Hawai’i是第一个面向可持续发展主题的投资机构,通过筹集民间投资用于可持续发展事业(这种被称为影响投资)。投资人帮助国家实现夏威夷可持续性发展的目标,减少该地化石燃料的消耗,促进该地有机食品运动,和减少废物产生。
Tags: GBO Hawai'i, Board Game, Sustainability
Ecofriend比较赞同这样的想法,就是不把环境当做一个单独的事物,每个人同环境一样,都是整体的一部分。Ecofriend的想法很简单,就是 想告知和教育那些喜欢消费最新上市的产品的消费者,去关心身边的环境。Ecofriendq强调突出最新的环保技术和生活方式,并在众多与环境有关的问题中突出帮助全球变暖这一问题。
Tags: Ecofriend, Consumers, Green Technologies, Lifestyle
in.gredients 是全美第一家实现免费包装和零污染的杂货店。它相对于其他杂货店不一样的是,更加关于环境与社区责任,并且希望促进一种健康的生活方式。
Tags: Shopping, Supermarket, Food, Organic, Recycling, Precycling, Groceries, Health, Wellness
自从2010年 Bobble 面市,我们的零售网络发展迅速;现在我们的产品遍布美国所有50个州。从百货大厦、专卖店、大众市场零售商,再到各个角落的精品店,都可以见到我们的产品。我们有超过35000家店铺,分布于近五大洲的十多个国家中。数以百万计的bobbles产品在全球已售出。如果每个滤波器相当于300个瓶子,Bobble的成功帮助环境消除了数以百万计的废弃塑料瓶。
Tags: Water, Bottle, Design, Filter, Purification, Eco
Tags: The Environment, Style, News, Green, Green Style, Sustainability, Tree Hugger
Tags: Farmigo, Produce, Organic, Farming
Tags: Sustainble Tourism, Tourism, Wildlife, Holidays
Raising Organic Family Farms
Raising Organic Family Farms 是一个提出多年的计划,旨在激励新一代的从事有机农业的农民,并且为其提供经济、教育和指导上的帮助。
Tags: Family, Farmers, Organic
PaperKarma allows you to take photos of the junk mail you wish to stop. Snap a photo, and you're done.
We automatically contact the Mailer and remove you from their distribution list. PaperKarma can stop most junk mail that is addressed directly to you.
Tags: Junk Mail, App, Photo, Sustainability
Eco Forms
Our Company is a family founded business that grew out of the desire to find an alternative to plastic pots. Our pots are made from renewable grain fibers and are biodegradable, meeting our customers’ need to support sustainable gardening practices. The commitment to sustainability doesn’t end with our products. Our facility is solar powered and our local delivery trucks run on 100% bio-diesel. With over 30 years of experience as wholesale organic growers, our family proudly stands behind our eco-friendly products.
Tags: Plants, Garden, Eco-Friendly, Eco Forms, Pots
Bicycle Library
Bicycle Library 是一个在城市倡导自行车的流动图书馆。作为图书馆,它样样俱全,包含了书籍、杂志、自行车艺术和电影放映等内容。除此之外,它还提供自行车配型的服务,你可以浏览资料自己来或咨询管理员的建议。如果你想订一辆自行车,只需交一定的押金,就有7种车型让你选择。
Tags: Bicycle Library
Cold Spring Apothecary
Cold Spring Apothecary’s goal is to provide our customers with the safest alternatives to the harmful chemicals used in most cosmetics. By producing our products in small batches we can ensure that only the highest quality ingredients are used. We are continually researching and adding to our ingredient list making sure we are using the best and latest green alternative ingredients we can.
Tags: Cold Spring Apothecary, Beauty, Chemical Free, Cosmetics
Green Shopping
We are foremost a green shopping catalogue run by green people. We only want to sell genuinely practical useful or educational materials. Our products are ideally made in the UK by small companies from ethically sourced materials. If we import it is because the product cannot be sourced ‘locally’. We don’t sell greenwash ‘toys’ or goods from sweatshops. We welcome customer feedback and recommendations and we are always at the end of an email or a phone during office hours to offer a friendly and reliable service.
Tags: Green Shopping, Shopping, Locally Sourced, Educational Materials, Catalogue
Bucky Box
Bucky Box是当地实物配送的一个未来方向,简单来说,就是利用功能强大的软件,自动处理订单、顾客账户、打包和配送物流以及工资奖金的发放等内容。Bucky Box是一家社会企业,支持本地有新意的食品运动,希望能让食品系统变得更好。
Tags: Organic, Local, CSA, Farm, Delivery, Fresh, Food, Fruits And Vegetables, Bucky Box, BuckyBox
WWOOF-World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms
WWOOF 是一个世界范围内的组织,将志愿者与有机农场连接,帮助人们分享更多可持续的生活方式。WWOOF也是一种交换行为,作为对志愿者的回报,有机农场主提供食物、住宿以及学习有机生活方式的机会。
Tags: Volunteering, Farm, Organic Lifestyle, Wwoof
Organic Garden Project
Organic Garden Project的目的是为了集合本地可持续食品生产者。OGP是现有有关本地农场、花园信息的集合,同时,也有未来本地可持续食品的生产献言献策。
Tags: Gardening, Food, Organic, OGP
At Vine.com, everything's green. Shop thousands of Vine-reviewed products from paraben-free skin care and natural cleaners to organic snacks, sustainably-made décor & more.We vet the products so you don't have to. Our helpful tools quickly connect you to all you need to green your life. Free 1-2 day shipping on orders over $49, 24/7 customer care and a 365-day free returns policy.
Tags: Vine, Green, Shopping, Organic, Sustainable, Local, Fair Trade, Cruelty-Free, Forest Stewardship Council, B Corporation
Jetson Green
Jetson Green的使命就是提高家(和人们的生活)的质量。有很多提高的方法,比如精美的设计、智能的建筑构造、节省资源、提高能源效率、节水、提高空气质量、采用绿色健康科技和利用可再生能源等。
Tags: Jetson Green, Design, Construction, Conservation, Green Technology
无论是产品推荐还是由其创建的可持续性的体验,ecofabulous对于如何更好的生活,都是一个值得信赖的指南。它由生态专家 Zem Joaquin创立,致力于提供最新最实用的信息和建议。 ecofabulous启发和教育着那些不想将就生活质量的读者,他们会向专家编辑或设计者寻求意见。
Tags: Ecofabulous, Design, Product Materials
Tags: Inhabitat, Design, Architecture, Home Design
Green Living
Green Living是一家提供一站式解决方案的企业,它服务的范围很广,包括公益营销、产品和程序开发、定制出版以及项目管理。Green Living包括了Greenlivingonline网站和 Green Living Show。
Tags: Greenliving, Organics, Health
World Green Leonardo Academy
Leonardo学院对World Green®的愿景是通过提供一个论坛,让大家分享信息和团结起来做一些绿色行动,从而从根本上改变我们对可持续发展的思维方法。
Tags: World Green Leonardo Academy, Green Tech
Recyclebank is working towards a world without waste by rewarding people for taking everyday green actions. It’s free to join and as easy as 1, 2, 3. Earn points for taking everyday green actions, redeem them for great rewards, and learn ways to save money and live greener every day!
Tags: Recyclebank, Environment, Recycle
Apartment Therapy
Apartment Therapy的使命是帮助人们把自己的家变的更美丽、条理和健康。具体来说,就是利用丰富的在线资源、创意以及在线社区的形式把人们连接起来,网站的目标就是提供给人们改善家的环境所需要的资源,同时降低他们对物质的依赖。
Tags: Apartment Therapy, Home Improvement
Tags: Freshome, Design, Architecture, Organized
With the high cost of fossil fuel driving up the cost of shipping, we saw the price of good
imported wines rising out of range for the average buyer. In our search for a way to lower these costs for quality-conscious wine drinkers, we found a solution that is also great for the environment. Then we got a little “greener” by partnering with organic wineries that use only traditional, natural winemaking processes.
The result? Great tasting, certified organic wine that’s better for the planet and
available at a great price.
Tags: Yellow+Blue, Wine, Organic, Matt Cain, Drink, Vineyard, Carbon Footprint, Planet, Environment
Tags: Print It Green, Paper, Trees, Printer, Carbon Footprint, Plant
The Urban Homestead Project
the Urban Homestead project是一个家庭运营、高产能的城市农场。它的周边正在被城市化“吞噬”,离高速公里只有很短的距离。这个城市农场无疑是成功的,它是可持续农业的典范,也是城市中的一种生态居住方式。
Tags: Urban Homestead, Organic Farming, City Farm, Agriculture
Tags: Ecouterre, Fashion, Design, Sustainability, Designers, Environment, Apparel
Freecycle ™
有这么一群人,他们在城镇送出各种各样的东西,也免费得到各种各样的东西——因为他们互相交换,互相支持。嘿,别以为这是乌托邦,The Freecycle Network™ 已经在全球吸收了超过 8,977,145名成员!成立了超过5,047 个交换小组!
Tags: Deron Beal, Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Network, Landfills, Trash, Donate, Gifting
Green Home
We are the original online ecostore, located in San Francisco, California, in the heart of both the environmental and cleantech industries. Since 1999 Greenhome.com has played its part as one of the most comprehensive online resources for greening your home and business.
Our company is on a mission to green the world, one person (and one business) at a time. Before Green Home, there was no easy place for people to find environmentally friendly products all under one roof.
Tags: Ecostore, Environmental Care, Green Home, Environmentally Friendly
Seventh Generation
Seventh Generation is the nation’s leading brand of household and personal care products that help protect human health and the environment.  Established in 1988, the Burlington, Vermont based company remains an independent, privately-held company distributing products to natural food stores, supermarkets, mass merchants, and online retailers across the United States and Canada.
Tags: Seventh Generation, Household, Personal Care, Environment
PPS (Project for Public Spaces)
Tags: Public Spaces, Local Communities, Cities, Beautification, Makeovers
Keeping kids healthy and safe is serious business. That’s why we’re in it! Founded in 2009, ecomom is a trusted team of parents, ecommerce veterans and sustainable business professionals. By joining forces with our network of ecomom experts, we provide products we use ourselves, relevant information and non-stop inspiration. 
Tags: Ecomom, Online Commerce, Family, Babies, Kids, Children, Moms, Mothers
FreshPaper™ by Fenugreen
FreshPaper™by Fenugreen is a simple piece of paper that keeps fruits & veggies fresh for 2-4 times longer, organically. Often described as a "dryer sheet for produce," one small (5" x 5") FreshPaper sheet can simply be dropped into a fridge drawer, carton, bag, or container filled with produce.
Fenugreen is addressing the enormous, yet often overlooked, global challenge of food spoilage with a simple innovation - FreshPaper. 
Tags: Fenugreen, FreshPaper, Kavita Shukla, India, Produce, Fresh, Fruits, Vegetables, Storage, Refrigeration, Shelf Life, Food, Nourishment, Food Pantry, Food Bank, Organic, Recyclable
We design and build modern, green, affordable homes available nationwide.
Tags: Connect:Homes, Construction, Pre-Fab, Shipping, Homes, Jared Levy, Gordon Stott, Modular, Carbon Footprint, Design, Green, Sustainable
Mindful Momma
Tags: Mindful Momma, Wellness, Green Living
The DailyGreen
TheDailyGreen.com致力于引导消费者进行绿色生活,这里有每日新闻,生活贴士,各种食谱配方等丰富内容。 2007年,在年度网站最佳的奖项评选中,TheDailyGreen.com被评为最佳新锐网站。 2010年,在年度绿色大奖评选中,TheDailyGreen.com被读者们票选为最佳博客网站。2011年,TheDailyGreen.com又和 Good Housekeeping和the Green Good Housekeeping Seal强强联手,在一个新的领域开始了合作。
Tags: Dailygreen, Consumer, Green Living, Daily News, Recipes, Good Housekeeping
Bodkin seeks to bring to clothing the mission of architectural modernism: Good, smart design. With comfort at its core, Bodkin creates urban essentials with modern silhouettes and wry details that lend its simple shapes a subtle specialness.
Bodkin favors a relaxed, understated, day-to-night sense of chic that reflects the sensibility of cultural creatives. Within this design framework, all materials are sourced with an eye toward environmental and social good. 
Tags: Fashion, Clothes, Urban, Bodkin
Tags: Cars, Transportation, Rent, Greentomatocars, Green Tomato, Cab